EDI02Z - Shipment Cancellation
SYSPRO e.Net Method - Transaction, Post
Parameters :
<ShipmentCancel> <Parameters> <Action>C</Action> <Level/> <RemoveLock>Yes or No</RemoveLock> </Parameters> </ShipmentCancel>
- Action : Must be set to a "C" for cancelling a shipment. There are no other options at this time.
- Level : If the shipment is multi-level, the level code to cancel.
- RemoveLock : Should any shipment locks against the sales orders on the shipment be removed (Yes or No)?
<ShipmentCancel> <Item> <Shipment>1234</Shipment> </Item> </ShipmentCancel>
- Shipment : The shipment number to cancel
XML Output :
<ShipmentCancel> <Item> <Shipment>1234</Shipment> <Status>Success or Error</Status> <ErrorDescription/> </Item> </ShipmentCancel>
- Shipment : The shipment number cancelled
- Status : Success if the cancel was successful or Error is there was a problem
- ErrorDescription : Desciption of the error preventing the cancellation of the shipment