Automating with SYSPROAuto

All the EDI Imports and Exports, Input Sort and Output Combine can be automated through the use of SYSPROAuto.exe* (see the noted asterisk below for pre-SYSPRO 7 automation program names).  Also, see below for how to use SYSPROAuto.exe with EDI automation.  For further detailed use of SYSPROAuto, refer to SYSPRO's help.

To pass information to the EDI program add a /LINK parameter to the command line for SYSPROAuto.exe as follows:


The partner is required.  Use as many additional options as necessary separating each option with a colon ":".

The Input Sort and Output Combine can be automated as well. For these programs, the first parameter of the LINK is the communications path to be processed as follows:


The communications path does not have to be specified, but if additional options are required the first character of the LINK must be a ":".  For example: /LINK=:ALL

To run the Input Sort or Output Combine with the default options send a single colon as the link (/LINK=:).


EDI Automation Options

TEST Turns test mode on
NODUP Turn the duplicate purchase order number check off
WARNDUP Sets duplicate purchase order check to warning only
NOQUIT SYSPRO will not exit after running the program
PREVIEW Enables print preview
ASKPRINT Enables the "ask printer" dialog
TRIGGERS Turns standard triggers on
NOTRIGGERS Turns standards triggers off
NOREPORT Report will not be printed
REPORT() The report will be written to the filename specified within the ().  Use "!" instead of ":" when indicating a drive letter. The filename name should be preceded by a "C," or "S," to indicate the filename given is on the "Client" or "Server".  The server is assumed by default.
NRINA Report will not be printed or emailed if no documents are export and there are no errors or warnings.  NRINA is short for "No report if no activity".
EMAIL() E-Mails the report based on the configuration code entered within the ().  The configuration code must be entered in the E-Mail Configurations cross-reference.
FILE() Sets the program to use the file specified within the (). Use "!" instead of ":" when indicating a drive letter.
START() Starts export at document with the number specified within the ()
END() Ends export at document with the number specified within the ()
SOURCE() Sets the source for the export.  Use either "ORDERS" or "DISPATCHES" within the ().
REPRINT Selects documents using the invoice reprint file.

LIST will setup the export to read the documents to be processed from the default "INVOICES.LST", "ORDERS.LST" or "DISPATCHES.LST" file depending on the document setup and reprint options.

LIST(filename) will read from the file designated by "filename".  Use "!" instead of ":" when indicating a drive letter.

The file is a simple text file with one document number per line.

FAILURES Turns on reporting of selection failures
FORMAT() Enables selection of only those documents whose print format matches the code within the ().
ASK System will stop and ask for normal input parameters
DTP Enables reading of the "Documents To Process" file
NODIALOG Disables the screen interface completely during the program.  Important NOTE:  can cause errors when scripting or other non-standard methods are used.  If unfamiliar scripting errors occur, remove the NODIALOG switch in the script and retry.
DISPLAY Enables the status display (Normally controlled by system setup)
NODISPLAY Disables the status display (Normally controlled by system setup)
SELECTION() Sets the selection criteria for exports which perform a selection match
NOTRACKING Disables the tracking system for exports
MAXIMUM() Sets the maximum number of documents to process for an import or export

Options Specific to Input Sort and Output Combine

ALL Sets system to process all communications paths
997 Sets Output Combine to only send 997 documents


Note: By default the test mode is not enabled, the print preview and printer dialogs are turned off, the trigger setting is set within the EDI system setup and SYSPRO will exit when the EDI program completes.

For example if the trading partner is "ABCD" and you wish to turn on test mode and print preview the command would be:


Standard SYSPROAuto Parameters

/comp= Company Code to use
/oper= Operator Code
/prog= SYSPRO Program to run
/pass= Operator Password
/cpas= Company Password
/link= Information to pass to SYSPRO program
/host= Name/IP of host computer
/wrk= Specifies path to working directory
/ini= Specifies path to the IMPACT.INI file


SYSPRO Automation Program Names

SYSPRO 7  Pre-SYSPRO 7 Program function
SYSPROAuto.exe IMPAUT.EXE Launches and determines which of the following two automation programs should launch, then closes
SYSPRO.exe IMPACT.EXE Launches for Standalone or Network shared data installation
SYSPROClient.exe  IMPCSC.EXE  Launches for Client Server Installation


* Note:  SYSPROAuto.EXE simply figures out if SYSPRO.EXE (standalone or Network shared data installation) or SYSPROClient.EXE (Client Server Installation) should be called and calls the appropriate program passing all the parameter information.  You may call SYSPRO.EXE or SYSPROClient.EXE directly instead of using SYSPROAuto.EXE.  This is especially useful if you are trying to have a process wait until SYSPRO is done processing as SYSPROAuto.exe will terminate as a process as soon as it transfers control to the correct SYSPRO program.