The following is an explanation of the scripting capabilities in the Shipping solution


Certain areas of the Shipping solution have been opened to modification via scripts. Visual Basic (VB) is the only scripting language currently allowed. 


  • Scripting requires the Cadacus Solutions for Syspro Support system to be installed on the server-- get it here.  To check whether the Cadacus Support System is already installed, look in Control Panel--> Programs.
  • Latest release of scripting system is December 19, 2024.
  • Some servers will not allow the scripting to work under client/server at the server. When this occurs set the option to run the scripts at the client and install the support system on the client.

Warning: Scripts must be carefully tested as the Shipping system does no validation on the returned information.

Enabling scripting

In the EDI System Setup, select the "Files & Paths" tab. Check the "Enable Scripting" box and enter a directory on the SYSPRO Application server where the scripts will be stored. 

Do not use a path with spaces in the directory names.  If the path does include a space, use the "short" name for the directory with the space in it (i.e. "progra~1" instead of "Program Files").

To temporarily disable scripting, uncheck the "Enable Scripting" box.

Note: If using SYSPRO 8 and scripting on the server is desired, please read this note.

Writing a script

Any text editor can be used to write a script and any file naming convention may be used with the exception of spaces-- do not use spaces in the script file name.  Generally VB Scripts should use the ".vbs" extension, but this is not required.  Notes:

  • Do not place any VBScript commands outside of a function in the script.  These commands will execute upon the initialization of the script and may cause problems.  Also, do not write anything to the screen or attempt to ask any questions of the user as these will not work and may cause the system to halt.
  • There can be multiple functions in the same script file.
  • The script consists of one or more functions (described below).  For more information on VBScript visit Microsoft's VBScript explanation.

Shipping Script Overview

There are four basic steps to scripting in Shipping:

  1. Get the XML from SYSPRO
  2. Parse the XML to extract the information provided
  3. Perform the desired calculations, tests, etc.
  4. Generate the necessary XML to return the results

Use Case Scenario

Client requests a shipping scenario where flat rates should be charged when freight bills are over a given threshold.  

For example, an order with an actual freight charge cost of $360 is ready to ship; however, since the client desires flat rates be charged over a threshold of $300, a flat rate of $500 should be the new computed freight charge for the shipment.

The following steps demonstrate how the above example can be accomplished using scripting capabilities in the Shipping solution.

1.  Enable scripting and set the path to the script file

To enable scripting, go to the EDI System Setup menu, "Files and Paths" tab.  Select the checkbox to enable scripting.  On the SYSPRO application server, determine where the locally developed scripts will be stored and create a new directory there.  In the following example, a directory called "SCRIPTS" has been created within the S:\DATA\ directory, so the full example path of S:\DATA\SCRIPTS\ must be entered (or selected by clicking and browsing via the magnifying glass browse button) in these settings.

 files paths scripting


2.  Create and place the script file

In this example, an empty script file, named FreightCalc.vbs, can be created and placed in the path indicated in step 1 above,  Examples of writing the script follow further below.

script file example


3.   Identify the XML business object elements expected from Shipping 

Scripting in Shipping receives XML data from SYSPRO business objects, operates on the XML, then returns XML back to the business object for SYSPRO to add or change the desired data.  For more information on SYSPRO business objects, go the the SYSPRO Support Zone for Developers, or contact SYSPRO for assistance.

 In this use case scenario, the XML from Shipping might look like the following example:



4.   Begin building the script function to compute a new freight charge

The script function is where the custom work is done to meet the client requirements.  The name of the function will be later referenced in SYSPRO settings.  In this example, the function is called CustomCharge and the first statement gets the XML input from SYSPRO and parses the input into previously defined variables.

Note:  the complete script for this example is available near the bottom of this section.

Dim SalesOrder
Dim Customer
Dim ActualCost
Function CustomCharge(XmlIn) ' As String
  Call ParseXML(XmlIn)
End Function
Private Sub ParseXML(XmlIn)
  Set xmlDoc = CreateObject("Msxml2.DOMDocument")
  xmlDoc.async = false
  For Each Node In xmlDoc.ChildNodes
    For Each SubNode In Node.ChildNodes
      Select Case SubNode.NodeName
        case "SalesOrder"
          SalesOrder = SubNode.Text
        case "Customer"
          Customer = SubNode.Text
        case "ActualCost"
          ActualCost = CCur(SubNode.Text)
        case "ComputedCost"
          ComputedCost = CCur (SubNode.Text)
        case "ComputeCharge"
          ComputedCharge = CCur(SubNode.Text)
      End Select
End Sub


5.  Add the calculation to the CustomCharge function 

Function CustomCharge(XmlIn) ' As String
  Call ParseXML(XmlIn)
   IF ActualCost > 300.00 Then
     Charge = 500.00
     Charge = ActualCost
   End If
End Function


6.  Complete the CustomCharge function and return the computed charge and cost in the proper XML format 

Function CustomCharge(XmlIn) ' As String
  Call ParseXML(XmlIn)
   IF ActualCost > 300.00 Then
     Charge = 500.00
     Charge = ActualCost
   End If
  Cost = ActualCost
  CustomCharge = FormReturnXML()
End Function
Private Function FormReturnXML()
 FormReturnXML = "<CustomCharge>"
 FormReturnXML = FormReturnXML & "<Charge>" & FormatNumber(Charge,2) & "</Charge>"
 FormReturnXML = FormReturnXML & "<Cost>" & FormatNumber(Cost,2) & "</Cost>"
 FormReturnXML = FormReturnXML & "</CustomCharge>"
End Function


 Get the complete sample VBScript file here.


7.   Set the "Carrier Freight Charge Code" scripting options

In the EDI Cross-Reference Maintenance menu, open the "Carrier Charge Information" dialog settings for the desired charge code and select the "Scripting" tab.  Enter the VBScript name in the "File:" input box and enter the custom function name in the "Function:" input box-- in this example the function is "CustomCharge".

 carrier charge info scripting tab

8.   Test a shipment

In this example of scripting in the Shipping solution, the actual freight cost for this shipment is $360.00.

shipping actual freight cost

After completing this sample shipment, the Shipment Viewer shows the flat rate of $500 set based on actual frieght of $360.00 exceeding the threshold defined by the client.

shipping flat rate freight applied