
The following instructions are for the Fedex RESTful API based API. This interface replaced the previous SOAP interface. As of 04/25/2024 the Shipping Solution and the Shipping Library support the Fedex RESTful API interface. 


If the company is not already registered with a Login (User ID and password) at the FedEx site, U.S. customers may register at the registration page.  The registration offers using an existing FedEx account number with a new Login, or, optionally, creating a Login and adding a new FedEx Account number, if needed.


Test credentials must be aquired before applying for production credentials.  

  • Go to
  • Click on "login" and login with your credentials.
  • On the left side menu, select "My Projects" and "CREATE API PROJECT",
  • In the pop-up window select "Ships with FedEx and needs to integrate FedEx APIs into their system" and click NEXT.
  • Select "Ship, Rate & other APIs". In the list of APIS check Address Validation, Ship API, Rates and Transit Times API and Freight LTL API" and click NEXT.
  • Give it a project name like "SYSPRO Fedex", select your country answer the couple of question and click NEXT.
  • Accept the terms and click CREATE.
  • Click OKAY
  • You will receive a API key and a Secret Key for testing. Save this information for entering into the Carrier Account settings.
  • When you are done with testing, follow the "Production Key" tab to get your production keys.

Configuring the account in SYSPRO

It is recommended two accounts be setup in the Carrier Account Information cross-reference. One account with the test information and one account for the production information. The proper account can then be selected in the Account/Printer cross-reference depending on if testing is being done or production packages are being processed. Separate accounts are also required if FedEx freight services are being used.

To setup the account add a new record to the cross reference, select the Fedex SCAC code (Small Carrier or Freight as needed) and enter an account code. It is recommended the account code be easy to identify and not related to the FedEx account number ("MAIN", "BUILDING1", etc.). Enter a description of the account and then click save. Close the screen and then go back in to modify the record. The FedEx tabs will not be available to fill in with the information collected above.

If the API key and password fields are not long enough to accept the entire string, please contact support for an updated cross-reference program.