When a serial number is scanned into the simple serial entry, the beginning of the serial number entered is compared against the check code.  If the information does not match the error "Serial Number Check Failed!" will be displayed to the operator and the serial number rejected.

Serial Number Masks

The Shipping Solution simple serial number entry system allows the use of serial number masks for entering/scanning a starting serial number and then allowing the solution to automatically calculate an additional quantity of serial numbers.  This is useful for rapid entry of all the serial numbers in a box of product where the serial numbers are all sequential. The mask is held in a custom form field (CFF) against the stock code.  The CFF field name is entered in the Serials tab of the Shipping/Handheld WMS System Setup.

The mask is be comprised of the characters X, 9, A and B. The character are used as follows.

  • X - Placeholder for a character that is never changed by the sequencing.
  • 9 - Placeholder for a character that will increment using the numbers 0 through 9
  • A - Placeholder for a character that will increment using the letters A through Z
  • B - Placeholder for a character that will increment using the numbers 0 through 9 and the letters A through Z


If the serial numbers for a stock code are a simple incrementing 4 digit number the mask would be 9999.  Using this mask if the serial number entered/scanned is 0020 and 5 serial numbers are needed the system would use 0020 and then calculate 0021, 0022, 0023, 0024 and 0025.

If the serial numbers have a three character prefix and then a three digit incrementing number the mask would be XXX999.  Using this mask if the serial number entered/scanned is ABC020, then based on the mask the solution knows the first three characters are fixed and to increment the last three (ABC021, ABC022, etc.).  Of course once the solution got to ABC999 there would be a problem, but this is just a sample.

If the serial number entered is SRS049Y, the sequence could be very different depending on the mask.

  • With a mask of XXX999X the next serial numbers in sequence would be SRS050Y, SRS051Y etc.
  • With a mask of XXX999A the next serial numbers in sequence would be SRS049Z, SRS050A, SRS050B etc.
  • With a mask of XXX999B the next serial numbers in sequence would be SRS049Z, SRS0500, SRS0501 etc.
  • With a mask of XXX99BB the next serial numbers in sequence would be SRS049Z, SRS04A0, SRS04A1 etc.