Release Notes for July 27, 2021

The list below are the most recent enhancements and corrections to the Cadacus Solutions for SYSPRO solutions including EDI, Shipping, the Handheld WMS solutions, and more. These enhancements and changes are not published, but are available on request. Please contact your primary support provider regarding requesting any of the updates.

We have endeavored to test the changes as thoroughly as possible, but as all releases share the same code base there is always the possibility of an unforeseen complication. Best practices include local testing and user sign-off prior to going live in any production environment. If any problems arise, please contact your primary support representative.


Support for SYSPRO 6.1 was officially stopped a long time ago. We have continued to attempt to provide updates when required, but enhancements for the SYSPRO 8 user interface have caused some of the screen features to stop working on SYSPRO 6.1. We are sorry, however, nothing can be done if an enhanced program has problems on 6.1 except encourage the upgrading of SYSPRO to version 8.

EDI file formats other then ANSI/EDIFACT (such as TPPC, Gentran, etc.) will not be supported in the future. Anyone using these formats should switch to reading/creating a pure ANSI/EDIFACT format as soon as possible to prevent the possibility of problems in the future. This does not effect the XML imports and template driven exports.

General Updates

2021-07-13 : The EDIChangeHeader and EDIChangeDetail tables have been added to track any changes to system settings. The main system setup and the Shipping/Handheld WMS setup are change enabled at this time. As other setup programs are converted to the new setup they will be change enabled. There are no reports or queries at this time, but the tables are accessable with your favorite report writer.

EDI Solution Updates

2021-04-06 : Corrected reading of some files when the binary read mode is enabled

2021-04-07 : Charge code cross-reference was not properly displaying the option to update a freight line with the cost without changing the charge.

2021-04-07 : Corrected missing export of PO403 element

2021-04-13 : Added option in address configuration to change the order of checking for a valid location. The default is to check the primary location indicated first. If this is blank and a custom form field is specified then it will be checked. If no custom form field or it is blank the fixed information will be used if not blank. Otherwise an error will be report if requested. The new option changes the order to custom form field first, then the primary location and then the fixed information.

2021-04-21 : The "BeforeExport" script routine was enhanced to provide the dispatch note number or shipment number when available (depending on what is being exported).

2021-04-21 : Upgraded tax handling for two and three characters codes as allowed by SYSPRO and increased the number of basic tax codes the system can handle to 500.

2021-04-27 : Storing of forecasts changed to allow use of the business object. This allows for use of the MRP Forecast journal if enabled in SYSPRO. There is an option on the schedules 2 tab to enable. The default is not to use them as they appear to be significantly slower.

2021-05-04 : Enhanced handling of the UNA segment and the release indicator character for EDIFACT documents.

2021-05-18 : Added recognition of master/sub "Use master bill to address" option in master/sub maintenance when bill-to address is selected in the address configuration.

2021-06-14 : Expanded UNA segment option to allow a space as the repetition separator

2021-06-22 : Length of archive paths for output combine increased to 100 characters.

2021-06-25 : Enhanced customer stock code lookup to use SYSPRO alternate key on ArCustStkXref. Option added to some imports (850, 852, 856, 867) to allow skipping the lookup completely if the customer stock code is not on the import document.

2021-06-29 : "Unknown code" error updated to new format.

2021-07-16 : Added ship days option to location cross-reference for those documents that support resetting the ship date to a specific day of the week.

214 Import

2021-05-06 : First release of import for the 214 document

810 Import

2021-04-06 : Corrected reporting of invoice value when there is a variance from the GRN value

2021-04-07 : Corrected if there is a UOM conversion required on the price and quantity

2021-04-07 : Business object to post invoices will not be called in test mode

2021-05-04 : Corrected Avalara tax interface for credit notes

830 Import

2021-05-04 : Corrected issue if only one FST and N1 ship to segment after LIN

850 Import

2021-04-14 : Options added on Dates tab of setup for directly specifing DTM qualifiers to use for header and detail line dates. Handling of selection of line dates enhanced to better facilitate use of DTM segments at the header and detail level for both scheduled and non-scheduled orders.

2021-06-29 : Enhancement to allow unknown code items to be loaded as non-stocked lines on the sales order.

860 Import

2021-05-11 : Added "Require cross-reference match for valid address" to document setup. If this option is set on the 850 and the 850 document is copied to the 860 it can create and issue and there was no way to disable it.

862 Import

2021-04-14 : Added option to find current order by purchase order number. The blanket order index is not used.

945 Import

2021-04-13 : Added option to change the far right information on the report line to the alternate purchase order number

2021-04-16 : Corrected storing of shipment information if the same stock code in the last two packs or tares and the stock code is on two different sales order lines

2021-06-28 : Enhancement to allow for tracking numbers to be received either before or after the W12.

997 Import

2021-04-12 : Added/Corrected reporting of ACK0501 and ACK0901 codes

753 Export

2021-04-06 : Corrected USI segment being exported when not required.

2021-06-14 : Blocked export of cancelled shipments

2021-06-14 : Added DTP option to export

2021-06-16 : Added option to create a separate document for each sales order instead of one document with all the sales orders

2021-06-29 : Added ability to work with dispatch notes directly and from a shipment.

2021-07-18 : Added option to send documents with errors.

2021-07-18 : Added Output Combine tab with the "Include in output combine option".

2021-07-21 : Corrected removal of DTP records for shipments.

810 Export

2021-07-09 : Added option to exclude stock codes starting with certain codes.

2021-07-26 : Corrected terms export from dispatch note if invoice date has not been set.

846 Export

2021-06-25 : Added option to include REF loop by warehouse using available quantity

855 Export

2021-05-11 : If a product qualifier lookup fails on the export of reject comment that has no stock code, "*** Reject ***" will be listed as the stock code to better define where the error is coming from.

856 Export

2021-04-07 : Corrected when the export is looking for line comments from a dispatch and the dispatch line was rewritten by the Shipping Solution, the export was not able to find the lines.

2021-06-16 : Added support for O after the I HL levels

2021-06-28 : Added option to allow export of status 9 orders when status checking is enabled.

2021-07-09 : Added option to exclude stock codes starting with certain codes.

880 Export

2021-07-26 : Corrected terms export from dispatch note if invoice date has not been set.

940 Export

2021-06-13 : Added additional warehouse selections and enable the use of a "*" as a wildcard. "N*" will select all warehouse starting with a "N".

943 Export

2021-07-14 : Added qualifier to select W0403 and ability to change the UOM being sent.


2021-07-18 : Added support for additional element on UCI segment.


2021-06-08 : Added ability to send from dispatch notes/invoices.

2021-06-17 : Added TDT/TOD segments and ALC/MOA segments for freight

2021-07-13 : The program has been enhanced to recognize the switch from a PAT segment to a PYT. New options for the PYT added.

2021-07-13 : The ALI segment has been added.

2021-07-13 : Elements PRI0103 and PRI0104 have been added as fill in fields. Let me know if this needs to be expanded.

2021-07-13 : Option to override the default of 2 in CNT01 has been added.

2021-07-18 : Corrected TDT SCAC and Ship-via exports.

Shipping Solution Updates

2021-04-05 : On SYSPRO 8 only - Shipping solution displays a runtime error (usually after the entry of the sales order to ship).

2021-04-08 : Enabled the shipping station to A/R cross link cross-reference and upgraded it for SYSPRO 7 customer codes. This cross-reference was introduced a long time ago, but never formally used. The order/dispatch selection in the Shipping Solution will check the customer/master customer against the cross-reference and either allow/deny access based on the entries.

2021-04-08 : New charge option to add a cost if a charge exists, but to add both the charge and cost if no charge already exists to the charge code setup.

2021-04-12 : If a freight line is moved from a sales order to a dispatch created by the Shipping solution, the dispatch freight line is updated with the SO number and line. This should allow SYSPRO to mark the line as complete when the dispatch is invoiced.

2021-04-15 : DHL International added to web API interfaces. Interface should be considered beta at this time, but ready for testing.

2021-04-21 : Corrected setting of sales order status based on settings after dispatch is created.

2021-04-21 : The SYSPRO business object does not appear to set the tax codes properly from the sales order lines. The shipping solution will correct for this after a dispatch is created.

2021-04-30 : The [REMOVE] command in a label control file can cause a lockup under SYSPRO 8 client/server.

2021-05-04 : Small carrier API interface will recognize the email flag on the station setup.

2021-05-04 : Adjusted the Endicia ELS interface to allow for the newer alphanumeric accounts. They have "migrated" some accounts and placed a "0" in front of the older account numbers. The account needs to be updated in the account setup.

2021-05-11 : Warehouse selection will recognize a "*" as a wildcard at the end of a partial warehouse entry. "AB*" will match warehouses "AB", "ABX", "ABCD", etc.

2021-05-18 : Added recognition of master/sub "Use master bill to address" option in master/sub maintenance when bill-to address is selected in the address configuration.

2021-06-08 : Corrected warehouse balance issue when shipping the pre-assigned lot on a dispatch note.

2021-06-08 : Added ability to use the ship date as the invoice date instead of the SYSPRO current date.

2021-06-14 : The entry of the quantity to ship on the auto quantity entry screen will be checked for overages the same as the regular quantity entry field.

2021-06-14 : Creating dispatches during shipment release of an order with freight/misc. charges will connect the freight/misc. charge on the dispatch to the order.

2021-06-15 : Corrected stock level errors when shipping a dispatch and lines are changed

2021-06-17 : Added ability to automatically process an order as "Ship complete" without asking the user or showing the shipment screens.

2021-06-17: Added option to create packs in a loop at end of the shipment. The system will ask for the pack weight etc. and continue to ask after each pack until ended by the operator.

2021-06-21 : Option to control the status of the sales order after a dispatch is created during shipment release added to shipment release tab of setup.

2021-06-22 : Program EDIP02 has been added as a front-end to EDI02P which used to be able to be run directly to add information to a pack. Any companies running EDI02P will need to change the icons to run EDIP02.

2021-06-24 : Updated bin transfer routines to ignore any sales order lines in a non-binned warehouse.

2021-06-26 : Added option to add record to DTP table for 753 export.

2021-06-28 : Option added to Auto 4 tab of station setup to specify a number of cartons to allow as extra on the last full pallet instead of creating a separate pallet.

2021-07-09 : Enhanced customer checking with option to check both the customer and the multi-ship code.

2021-07-27 : Corrected pallet weights not being added to shipment weight from end tare screen.

Handheld WMS Solution Updates

Note: Some of the Shipping Solution updates may pertain to the shipping module of the Handheld WMS Solution.

2021-04-13 : Corrected error in EDIQR1 and EDIQR2 WMS query programs.

2021-04-15 : In shipping if the option to request summary items is enabled and the option to request the ship-via is enabled, the ship-via will be requested. The local resources need to be updated to maintain a list of valid ship-via codes.

2021-04-21 : Corrected issue with pack count on tare record continually increasing

2021-04-23 : Corrected runtime error checking/unchecking the "Display Warnings" option on the Receipts tab of the handheld configuration.

2021-04-30 : Corrected issue with shipment addresses with information from the location cross-reference were not populating properly.

2021-04-30: Corrected alternate lot display on shipping.

2021-05-03 : Corrected checking of restrictions when querys are displayed in the main menu.

2021-05-11 : Added LPMasterUser1 through 5 and LPDetailUser1 though 5 to the information sent to and can be returned from the vbscripting

2021-05-11 : New module - LP Accept from Inspection. Perform a WIP Accept using the LP information and the inspection reference.

2021-06-14 : Added ReceiptCost, MaterialValue and LaborValue to the information which may be returned from the job receipts validation script. These values will be passed to the job receipt business object.

2021-06-15 : Corrected non-return of module security violation on posting of shipments.

2021-07-12 : Added option to LP Container setup to indicate a container is "warehouse-less". This means the container will not hold a warehouse at the header level. The warehouse will need to be in the item detail or in attached LP's. This allows for pallet (or similar container) in a warehouse to hold items from multiple warehouses.

2021-17-14 : If the local stock code table is set to query when an unknown stock code is entered, a new option has been added to first query the entered code against the scan code table.  If a match is found both the local stock code and scan code tables are updated so it doesn't have to query again.

Advanced Order Management Solution Updates

2021-05-13 : Corrected issue with kit allocations.

2021-05-26 : New ability to exclude stock codes from AOM processing. Define inventory CFF on Order Mgmt 8. Compilation loos for "E"xclusion for complete exclusion or "D"isplay Only for display only (Only the first letter of the field is checked). Exclusion will completely exclude the stock code from AOM processing. It will not show in the compilation or allocation screens. Display Only will exclude the stock code from suggestion allocations. It will show in the allocation program and is assumed 100% fillable for fill calculations

2021-05-26 : New fields added to EDIAOMAvailable and EDIAOMDetails to support exclusion and more line detail information.

2021-06-22 : Corrected issue with custom form field columns in order listview.

2021-07-10 : Added ability for alternate warehouse checking. Alternate warehouse list can be setup by stockcode or warehouse or stockcode and warehouse. If the primary warehouse does not have available stock the alternate warehouses will be checked and a transfer suggestion will be logged in the EDIAOMTransfers table and shown in the allocation program. Suggested transfers will reduce the quantity available for allocation suggestions for orders later in the allocation sequence.

Shipment Import Solution Updates

2021-04-21 : Corrected issue with pack count on tare record continually increasing

2021-04-21 : The SYSPRO business object does not appear to set the tax codes properly from the sales order lines. The import will correct for this after a dispatch is created.

2021-05-11 : Added CFF update capabilities to XML

2021-06-15 : Corrected stock level errors when shipping a dispatch and lines are changed

2021-07-27 : Added option to disable the checking of the SCAC and/or VIA information against the sales order coded ship-via table.

Vendor Purchase Orders Solution Updates

None at this time

Summarized Invoice Solution Updates

None at this time