Label - Bartender Commander

Bartender Commander Interface

There are two methods of interfacing with Commander:  1) Creating a CSV style file,  or 2) creating an XML file.  Bartender Enterprise edition only allows the use of the CSV method.  Bartender Enterprise Automation edition allows either interface. 

It is recommended to use the XML interface in the Bartender Enterprise Automation edition.

To use the CSV style file (commander.lbl sample here).  Setup commander to recognize a "Commander Script" and setup the header and token lines in the label control file with all the required information.  Bartender will import the information as a CSV file and use the field names from the header line.  Be very careful when setting up the information as stray commas can cause problems and it is very important to match the header line and the detail information.

To use the preferred XML file (commander-xml.lbl sample here).  Setup commander to recognize a "BTXML script".  Use the Cadacus [XML] command to instruct the label system to format all the tokens as bartender XML information.  There are two token attributes to assist.  "/NOXML" can be added to a token to instruct the label system to not form the specified token into a BTXML format.  (XML=bartendername) can be used to change the "Name" part of the XML information.  By default the "Name" attribute is the token name.  However, some tokens that require sub-indexes such as ADD-N/1 do not form a valid XML attribute.  The XML= modifier is added to give a valid name.  For example, {ADD-N/1(XML=ADD-N-1)} will form valid BTXML information using ADD-N-1 as the bartender name.
Please see the Bartender BTXML help system for more information on BTXML formatting and options.