The following EDI scripts are available for advanced users in the SYSPRO scripts folder under the base folder (for example: D:\SYSPRO61\BASE\SCRIPTS).

Please use with extreme caution.

To execute a script, open the script in the Microsoft SQL Server Management Studio.  Make sure the correct database is selected in the ribbon bar and execute the script.

EDIBinView.sql Used to setup a SQL view for the Handheld Recommended Putaway function. 
(typcially, not needed)
EDIDropConstraints.sql Used to clear all constraints from any of the EDI Tables.
(external constraints to EDI tables are not standard)
EDIDropTables.sql Used to drop ALL EDI tables from the database.
(drops are commented out, but must always be used with extreme caution)
EDIKeys.sql Used to rebuild the SQL keys on the EDI tables.
(if a table is copied within SQL, the keys and indexes get lost-- this script will rebuild them)
EDISyspro7.sql Used to convert SYSPRO Key fields in the database to SYSPRO 7 format.  
(only used when converting from 6.1 to SYSPRO 7, and only after EDIUpdate.sql is run)
EDITables.sql Used to create the EDI tables in a SYSPRO database where they do not exist.
(no need to run more than once)
EDIUpdate.sql Used to make sure the EDI database has been upgraded as necessary-- can be run multiple times.
(IMPORTANT:  if any errors are returned, they should be reported to Support)