Shipping Solution

Corrected pack summary screen during auto-ship operations.

832 Export

Added required option to REF segments

882 Export

Correct document setting save and reading from invoices.lst.

BOL and Master Documents

Added the ability to print a summary BOL for all the shipments in a master document.

Shipping Solution

Correct contacts being truncated to 30 characters.

850 Import

Added option to use SDQ as FD only if N1 Shipto exists.

943 Export

Enhanced exporting of from and to warehouse addresses.

820 Import

Corrected saving of ADX option in document maintenance.

Master BOL

Corrected clearing of BOL list between printings.

UPS End of Day

Enhanced to allow for multiple EOD runs on the same day.

810 Export

Corrected ISS01 for quantities with decimal values.

820 Processing

Corrected missing reference when using busines object for posting.

External Shipping Interface

Added Shiplink to external interfaces