Shipping Solution

Corrected situation where reprocessing an order would cause the order status to be set to 0.

During auto-processing a new set of values of the pack count and total number of packs for a specific line is saved to the label master and is available on the labels as ITEMPACKNUMBER and ITEMPACKCOUNT.

Inbound Documents

REF set as location modifier will now work with SDQ locations if the REF is within a N1 loop.

Outbound Documents

Corrected problem with DTM dates coming from line CFF's. Also made allowance for pulling date stored as an ALPHA field in CCYYMMDD format.

810 Outbound

Added vendor number from the partner setup to options for BIG05.

860 Inbound

Added "NC" as a valid change to indicate no change is required. No changes are made to the order line.

Shipping Solution

Expanded all package dimension tables to include 2 decimal places. EDIShipmentPack, EDILabelMaster and EDIShipmentUPSDtl have all been modified.


Added support for SCH08 DTM qualifier


Modified sending container mark as REF to handle tare level properly.

Drop-Ship Purchase orders

Added checking and setting of sales order detail review flag

Master Document

Correct problem with BOL list


Handheld Solution

Optimized stock code update to handhelds

Added PO receipt labels to visual receiving. The can be printed during posting or as you go.