General Updates

2023-04-03 : Corrections to some of the screens on the system setup.

2023-04-11 : Improvements to error handling and printer selection for SSRS printing.

EDI Solution Updates

2023-02-23 : The import will generally look for the earliest ship date to use at the header and/or detail level. If there is no ship date defined, the imports look for the earliest date available. An adjustment was done to properly perform this check at the detail level. For the detail dates, the imports were using the last date instead of the earliest date.

2023-03-14 : Added the ability to email the report and the data file as PDFs.

2023-03-15 : Input sort enhanced to store the report in the report tables if this history option is enabled.

2023-03-16 : Output combine sort enhanced to store the report in the report tables if this history option is enabled.

2023-03-16 : Option to send a selected file or a previously archived file added to output combine.

2023-04-04 : Cleaned up saving of reports into EDIReportDetail where the Info columns could get spurious data.

850 Import

2023-03-08 : Added scripting support for controlling if SCT is created and target warehouse for SCT.

2023-04-03 : Correction for program not closing if calling EDICPO and EDICPO calls 850 export.

2023-04-24 : Corrected issue with pallet size rounding.

2023-04-25 : Parsing of LIN segment as product qualifiers added. Options for storing of LIN qualifiers marked as comment lines on the report, sales order or in the EDIComments table added. EDIComments table is for use of the new label serial number options (see Shipping Solution enhancements).

855 Import

2023-02-23 : Corrected report/extract to properly loop on ACK segments.

2023-03-09 : Removed erroneous message regarding unable to import due to status.

856 Import

2023-04-04 : Corrected update of connected sales order header and ability to create a dispatch when importing against a PO.

864 Import

2023-04-04 : Corrected MIT and MSG segments not storing in EDIReportDetail when enabled.

876 Import

2023-04-05 : Corrected inability to find original order. Added options to exclude orders and/or billings from updates.

944 Import

2023-03-02 : Corrected that import would perform transfers in input test mode.

945 Import

2023-03-09 : Corrected updating of parent part when component imported

2023-04-04 : Corrected setting for using LIN line numbers to find sales order line. Options in document setup were backwards from import and import would lock up if match was enabled.

990 Import

2023-03-14: Added 990 Response to Load Tender to import system. Information is reported only.


2023-05-01 : Expanded saving of incoming line number to include CFF

810 Export

2023-02-22 : Options added to document setup to allow seperate IT1 loops per serial or lot number.

2023-03-08 : Corrected size of warehouse selection fields to 10 characters.

2023-03-25 : Expanded stock code summarization to work with dispatch notes (does not work with consolidated dispatch notes)

2023-03-26 : Enhanced QTY segment to recongnize summarization

2023-04-05 : Corrected TXI08 in summary TXI segments

846 Export

2023-03-09 : Corrected infinite loop on lot export.

2023-03-09 : Enhanced to recognize lot export when lot number in REF segment.

2023-03-14 : Corrected report to list proper quantity when breaking down by lot for lot traceable items

2023-04-13 : Added ability to include a DTM in LS/LE REF looping on warehouse. Added option to place each warehouse REF/DTM set of segments in a separate LS/LE loop.

850 Export

2023-03-26 : Corrected export of customer PO number in BEG03

2023-03-26 : Corrected BEG05 date option not working

855 Export

2023-03-08 : Added support for exporting SCTs

856 Export

2023-02-23 : Correction for consolidation by item when there are multiple orders/dispatches and no Order level in the document.

2023-03-02 : Additional adjustments for insuring proper sales order information is exported at the item level where required when no order level exists.

2023-03-13 : Correction for end less loop in SOIP configuration.

2023-03-15 : Added option to allow entry of alternate key restriction at run-time.

2023-03-15 : Added option to allow entry of customer range restriction at run-time.

2023-03-31 : Modified shipment export reporting to report all orders/dispatches on a shipment instead of the last one. Corrected shipment count in report.

2023-04-03 : Corrected cume calculation if there is no entry in the blanket order cross-reference.

2023-04-12 : When exporting from the shipment database the TD1 segment will use the actual tare and pack counts when requested instead of the last tare and pack number from the shipment master table. This allows for tare/pack cancellations to be recognized properly in the TD1 numbers.

940 Export

2023-03-15 : Added option to allow entry of alternate key restriction at run-time.

945 Export

2023-03-02 : Added "ORD" comment option for W0606


2023-04-21 : Added MEA segments and DTM segments after LIN

2023-05-01 : Added option to set UNH03 value.


2023-05-01 : Added FII segment to outgoing address configurations utilizing the PER03 configuration options

2023-05-01 : Added fixed FTX segment with FTX01, FTX02 and FTX0301 elements.

2023-05-01 : Corrected IMD sending if checkbox is disabled.

2023-05-01 : Added option to disable PRI segment

Shipping Solution Updates

2023-02-24 : Corrected crash of web API interface for very large shipments.

2023-03-02 : Added "Expand Treeview" button to shipment viewer to fully expand the treeview when clicked.

2023-03-02 : Correction to shipping library installer. Not all required libraries were installed into the 64 bit folder.

2023-03-07 : Correction of dispatch line not saving during ship complete when acting on a dispatch note.

2023-03-09 : Corrected DSRUN error if customization attempted. Added status update date/time to shipment view.

2023-03-13 : Corrected invalid cubing error message if order only contains two or more "ship in their own box" type products.

2023-03-14 : Corrected UOM conversion in cubing interface

2023-03-14 : Correction to address verification routine to properly return country code.

2023-03-27 : Enhanced Pack Information program (EDIPAK) to recognize SSCC numbers and to cancel items off the EDIShipmentItem table for cancelled packs.

2023-04-04 : Added "First stock code" to pack browse during shipment editing.

2023-04-24 : Resolved shipment cancellation causing error about a program being loaded twice.

2023-04-25 : Expanded options on the serial number tab of the label cross-reference to allow for a defined range of serials or to look for the serials in the EDIComment table (see note on the 850 import).

Advanced Order Management Solution Updates

2023-05-01 : Moved to enhanced status display during compilation processing

2023-05-01 : Eliminated asking of printer if printer selection in SYSPRO is enabled, but the compilation report is disabled.

2023-05-01 : Added "ship together groups" to compilation and allocation. Ship together groups can be designated by matching CFF field or where-used lookup. Matching items on a sales order will only be shipped if the entire group can be shipped. At this time the entire group must be together on the sales order with no non-group lines in between.

Handheld WMS Solution

2023-02-23 : Enhancement to directly read a USB connected scale for pack and tare weights (Windows and Android only).

2023-03-14 : Enhanced checking of license plate standard quantity during job receipts. When adding to an existing plate the new total quantity will be checked.

2023-03-14 : Added option on checking for the license plate standard quantity to shipping setup as to if the operator is allowed to OK an over quantity.

2023-03-23 : Added Group as a token (a duplicate of the current GroupCode) in order to match the use of Group for the handheld group in the non-shipping labels.

2023-04-18 : Corrected issue with device registration and devices log.

2023-04-18 : Initial release of duplication of handheld device information in SQL tables in the SYSPRO systemwide database. EDISystemDBUpdate.sql will create the tables (please insure the SYSPRO systemwide DB is selected before executing the script). There are two tables. EDIDeviceReg is for internal use. EDIDeviceDetail is viewable information.

2023-04-18 : Corrected issue with Employee cross-reference where updating the record would cause an error with the SYSPRO operator password.

2023-05-08 : Corrected document print via reporting service after short-shipping a dispatch note

2023-05-08 : Added Station code to eSignature trigger variables

Shipment Import Solution Updates

None at this time

Vendor Purchase Orders Solution Updates

2023-04-03 : Option to select UOM for purchase orders created added.

2023-04-03 : Option to run 850 export after PO creation added.

2023-04-03 : Upgraded user interface to latest SYSPRO standards.

Summarized Invoice Solution Updates

None at this time