The Shipment Import Solution returns third-party warehouse shipment information into SYSPRO and provides ASN and shipment information to the EDI Solution for SYSPRO. To accomplish this, third-party warehouse shipment information is provided to Shipment Import in a standard XML-formatted document and in turn the Shipment database is populated with the shipment configuration as well as updating the sales order with the shipped quantities.

After preparing the XML-formatted input documents (see further below), launch the Shipment Import menu by pressing Ctrl+R, then type EDISSI and click OK, or, alternatively, access it from the EDIMNU as shown below:

Shipment Import menu

For a video tutorial of the two setup tabs under the Shipping/WMS System Setup (shown below), click here.

Shipment Import settings tabs


The following are specifications for the Shipment Import's XML-formatted input file.

XML Tag Parent Description
Shipments Root Beginning of Shipment Information (not required if there is only one shipment per import file)
Shipment Shipments (or Root) Start of a shipment

Number Shipment Number (1-9 Digits)
Note: If not included, shipment number will be assigned
Date Shipment Date and Time
Status "Complete" = Shipment is Complete;  also, note this "Status" attribute should not be used together with the "Release" tag below
Handheld Informational name of device used for collection of shipment
Freight Freight Charge
Station Station Code
Release Shipment

If the first character is "N" (or "n"), the shipment is set to a status of "Incomplete"; otherwise, it is set for "Released"

Note: there is an attribute "Status" in the "Shipment" tag.  If the "Status" attribute is set to "Complete", then the shipment will be placed in a "Released" status.  The "Release" tag and Shipment "Status" attribute should not be used together.

BOL Shipment Bill of Lading Number
Cartons Shipment Order Total Carton/Package Count
Order Shipment Start of an order within a shipment
Dispatch Shipment Start of an dispatch within a shipment
MultiShipCode Order For orders with line ship to codes, sets the ship to code to restrict the import to.  Also sets the ship to code for the dispatch if dispatches are being created.
Line/Item Order
Start of a item line within an order

Item Stock Code Shipped (information only at this time)
Number Sales Order Line Number
Tare Tare number items are on
Pack Pack number items are in
Quantity Quantity Shipped
UOM Sets UOM for Quantity
Pack Shipment
Defines a Pack/Carton

Number Pack/Carton Number
SSCC SSCC-18 Serialized Shipping Container Code
Tracking Small Carrier Package Tracking Number
User1 Pack level User Defined 1
SSCC-18 Serialized Shipping Container Code
Tracking Pack Small Carrier Package Tracking Number
User1 Shipment
User Defined 1
User2 Shipment User Defined 2
PRO Shipment PRO Number
Appointment Shipment Appointment Number
Trailer Shipment Trailer Number
Load Shipment Load Number
Seal Shipment Seal Number
Employee Shipment Sets the "Employee" field on the shipment master record
Quantity Line/Item Quantity Shipped
SCAC Shipment SCAC of Carrier
Serial Line/Item Serial Numbers

Number Serial Number
Quantity Quantity of this serial number shipped
Shipped Line/Item Quantity Shipped
Tare Shipment
Tare/Pallet Information

Number Tare/Pallet Number
SSCC SSCC-18 Serialized Shipping Container Code
Tracking Small Carrier Package Tracking Number
Counted Line/Item The lowest level quantity information and must be the lowest level after Item, Lot, and Bin are used, as necessary

Quantity Quantity counted (in the UOM specified)
StockingQty Used for "Catch Weight", where the conversion between the order quantity and the stocking quantity is not fixed.
UOM Unit of Measure (UOM) for the "Quantity" attribute.  If UOM is not supplied, then order UOM is assumed.
Weight Order Pack Total Weight for Order or Pack

Shipment Pack      Tare

Freight Cost

Tare    Pack    Item 

License Plate



Allows an invoice number and/or date to be set on the sales order


Allows the "Ship-Via" on the order to be set.  The information here will be run through the inbound Ship-Via X-Ref to get a Ship-Via for the sales order.


Lot Information; used only if needed and may be used in any order with respect to the Line/Item

Number Lot Number
Quantity Record Quantity
UOM UOM for Quantity


Bin Information; used only if needed and may be used in any order with respect to the Line/Item

Location Bin Location
Quantity Record Quantity
UOM UOM for Quantity
CFF Order
Sets a custom form field. The following attributes can be set or the CFFType, CFFName and CFFDetail tags may be used
Type 6 character SYSPRO custom form field type
Name 6 Character name for the custom form field
Detail Information to store in custom form field
CFFType CFF 6 character SYSPRO custom form field type
CFFName CFF 6 Character name for the custom form field
CFFDetail CFF Information to store in custom form field


Simple Shipment with two shipped lines:

<Shipment Date="2017-10-01 10:41:26" Status="Complete">
   <Order Number="000045">
     <Line Number="2">
       <Shipped Quantity="5"/>
     <Line Number="5">
       <Shipped Quantity="3"/>

Multiple Shipments with Multiple orders per shipment and Pack information:

  <Shipment Date="2017-06-16 22:08:27.810">
    <Order Number="000072">
      <Pack Number="1" SSCC="00040611104791057771">
        <Line Number="1" Item="1003-01240">
        <Line Number="2" Item="1003-01251">
        <Line Number="3" Item="1003-123456789">
        <Line Number="4" Item="1003-01255">
    <Order Number="000073">
      <Pack Number="1" SSCC="00040611104791057761">
        <Line Number="1" Item="1003-01240">
        <Line Number="2" Item="1003-01251">
        <Line Number="3" Item="1003-123456789">
        <Line Number="4" Item="1003-01255">
  <Shipment Date="2017-06-16 22:09:36.513">
    <Order Number="000086">
      <Pack Number="1" SSCC="00040611104791057751">
        <Line Number="1" Item="1003-01240">
        <Line Number="2" Item="1003-01251">
        <Line Number="3" Item="1003-123456789">
        <Line Number="4" Item="1003-01255">

Small Carrier Shipment also showing Pack information separate from Item information.  This is a valid format, however, the 856 document will NOT be able to show pack configurations.

  <Shipment Date="2017-09-20 00:00:00">
    <Order Number="079181">
      <Pack Number="1" Tracking="650390090315" Freight="5.65">
      <Pack Number="2" Tracking="650390090326" Freight="4.92">
      <Line Number="1" Item="1004-06642">
      <Line Number="2" Item="1004-06714">
	  <Line Number="3" Item="1004-06718">

Shipment showing "Counted" tag when used with Bins.

<Shipment Number="000000114" Date="2017/03/18 12:42:06 AM" UseSYSPRODate="Yes" Status="Complete" Station="1" >
 <Order Number="000000000050123" >
  <Item Line="1" StockCode="325" Warehouse="14" >
   <Lot Number="5293-18541" >
    <Bin Location="100" >
     <Counted Quantity="1.000000" StockingQty="69.600000" UOM="CS" />


  • The tags "Item" and "Line" are synonymous.
  • The attributes "Item" and "StockCode" are synonymous.  
  • Any place where the attribute "UOM" is used is the same-- it sets the UOM for quantity.  If UOM is not supplied, "order" UOM is assumed.
  • Lots and bins may be used in any order.  For example, within a Line/Item tag could be Lot, Bin, and Counted; or, within a Line/Item tag could be Bin, Lot, Counted.  The order is according to user requirements.
  • A number of tags may optionally add a corresponding comment line to the sales order based on the "Comments" tabs in the Shipping Station Maintenance.