EDISVY - Service Validation Query
The service validation object will validate if a particular carriers service is available to a destination. The business object is working with Fedex only at this time.
There are two forms of input. One provides the details and the other a sales order to check. If you are checking a sales order, the"Address Validation" tab in the Shipping/Handheld setup must be filled in with a ship-to and ship-from address code in order for the routine to parse the addresss.
The Cadacus SFS Support Setup must be installed on the server.
Note: Please note the access to the webservice speed various with many factors. Do not be alarmed if the business object takes several seconds to return.
XMLParameter format if providing full details :
<ServiceVerify> <Zip>91307</Zip> <Country>US</Country> <OriginZip>91367</OriginZip> <OriginCountry>US</OriginCountry> <ShipVia>FG</ShipVia> </ServiceVerify>
XML Parameter format if providing sales order :
<ServiceVerify> <SalesOrder>000999</SalesOrder> </ServiceVerify>
<ServiceVerifyResponse> <Result>Valid</Result> <Error/> </ServiceVerifyResponse>