Automating EDI Exports with e.Net

Automating EDI Exports with SYSPRO e.Net

Note: The following is in beta as of 5/3/2020 and requires a base Cadacus release of 3/10/2020 or later and document updates which may be requested.

All the EDI document imports and exports can be called as a SYSPRO business object. SYSPRO's e.Net system manager is required. The business object to call is the standard import/export program name. This name can be found by starting the program in SYSPRO and pressing shift-F7 to get the information screen.  For example the program and business object for the 810 export is EDI810.

Each call to the business object can only process a single set of information at a time.

Type - Transaction, Post


Element Example Notes
EDIExport   Root element.
Parameters   Start of export parameters
ReportFindFailures Yes Enables the reporting of why a specific document was not selected for export.

Sample XMLParameter



Element Example  Notes
EDIExport   Root element.
Export   Start of an export
TradingPartner PARTNERCODE The trading partner code for which the export should be performed. This is the only required element.
File c:\EDI\EDI850.edit Overrides the name of the export file. This will default to the file name as defined in the document setup.
EmailCode 850GROUP Sets the email group to send any emails regarding this export to. The default will be determined by the system settings.
Report No Enables or disables the creation of a report. Default is Yes
ReportFile   Sends the report to the specified file name
ReportLocation Server Indicates the ReportFile name is based on the Server or Client. Server is the default.
ReportIfNoActivity Yes Allows the report to be disabled if there is no activity. I.E. The export file does not exist.
UseDocumentsToProcess No Enables the DTP table for document selection. Only for exports that support DTP selection.
DocumentFormat   Overrides the trading partner sales order document format filter.
StartingDocument 00123 Sets the starting sales order, dispatch, invoice etc.
EndingDocument 00999 Sets the ending sales order, dispatch, invoice etc.
StartingCustomer 0200001 Sets the starting customer code for the documents that support a customer code filter.
EndingCustomer 0999999 Sets the ending customer code for the documents that support a customer code filter.
Source SalesOrders Overrides the document source set in the document setup. Valid values are "SalesOrders", "DispatchNotes", "ConsolidatedDispatchNotes" and "Shipping"
UseReprintTables Yes Switches the export to use the reprint files associated with the selected document source.
DocumentList c:\EDI\InvoiceList.txt The indicated file will be used as a list of invoices to process. Each invoice number must be on a separate line.
Tracking No Disables the document tracking during the export.

Sample XMLIn



Elements Notes
EDIExport Root element
Export Start of the exports returned information.
TradingPartner The trading partner code for which the import was performed.
ArchivedReportFile The name of the archived report is report history is enabled in the system setup.
Errors A count of the errors on the report.
Warnings A count of the warnings on the report.
ReportNumber The report number of the report in the SQL tables if saving of the report to SQL is enabled.
Count The number of documents exported.
CountText The count message from the export report.
Value The value of the documents exported where supported.
ValueText The value message from the export report where supported.

Sample XMLOut

  <CountText>Count of invoices exported : 2</CountText>
  <ValueText>Value of invoices exported : 2354.60</ValueText>